Treat the 7 Most Common Skin Conditions | Blog - Tweengreens Skip to main content
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Do you have dry, itchy skin? Does your face break out often? These common problems are not just inconvenient; they can also be painful and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help. This article discusses 7 different skin conditions and how to treat them with natural skincare products.

1. Acne

When speaking about common skin disorders, acne is likely to be at the top of everyone’s list. It is a very common problem that affects as many as 50 million Americans every year (American Academy of Dermatology). So, what causes this common condition and how can natural ingredients help?

What causes this condition?

Acne happens when pores are clogged by bacteria or oil, which then becomes trapped within the blocked skin follicles. As sebum builds up under the surface of your skin, bacteria multiplies, and you start seeing whiteheads and blackheads form on your face – these are caused because of the dead skin buildup that have been clogged together with dead bacteria within them.

This happens mainly in teenagers because hormonal changes trigger an increase in sebum production. These hormonal fluctuations are responsible for the excess oil that accumulates within pores, which then causes acne breakouts.

How to treat acne with natural skin care?

Now that you know what causes acne, the next question is how to treat it. There are many options for natural skincare products that can help you clear up your skin once and for all. You have probably heard of tea tree oil before, but there are other ingredients out there as well with proven acne-fighting capabilities.

One great natural acne treatment is witch hazel, which contains tannins that clear away dead skin cells and fight bacteria. Pure aloe vera gel can also serve as an effective moisturizer if your pores are clogged with excess oil.

You should avoid using any harsh chemicals or products on your face to prevent further irritation of the skin. Using high concentrations of alcohol in cleansers may cause dry skin, while ingredients like salicylic acid have been known to irritate certain individuals’ skins even more (Skinacea).

Instead stick to gentle formulas containing plant-based oils such as jojoba seed or argan oil for cleansing purposes. You can use a cotton pad soaked in rosewater after you wash your face to remove remaining dirt and grime.

2. Psoriasis

Some skin conditions are very difficult to clear up, but psoriasis is not one of them. Most cases can be completely cleared with natural skin care products within six months (National Psoriasis Foundation).

What causes this condition?

Psoriasis happens when skin cells reproduce too quickly; they build up on your skin’s outermost layer and cause thick patches covered in silvery scales to form (The Acne Resource Center). The underlying cause for this process is unknown, although genetics do play a role because it tends to run in families. Stress has also been linked as an exacerbating factor that worsens symptoms over time (Skinacea).

How to treat psioriasis with natural skin care?

There are several effective natural ingredients that can help treat psoriasis. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and skin regenerative abilities.

You should also incorporate vitamin D in your diet because it has been shown to enhance the body’s immune system against certain diseases like eczema or acne (Skinacea). To naturally increase your levels of this important nutrient, eat foods rich in vitamin D such as fish or drink milk fortified with nutritional yeast.

Vitamin A is another ingredient that you have probably heard about before when dealing with thickened skin conditions; it acts similarly to retinoic acid but without being harsh on the skin. Make sure you use a natural source of vitamin A like carrots, sweet potatoes or pumpkin because too much can also be bad for your skin (University of Rochester).

You should avoid using any products containing ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate or parabens, which are known to irritate the skin. Instead, you can use aloe vera gel as a moisturizing agent and pure castor.

3. Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes the top layer of your skin to become inflamed and itchy. It can range from mild cases with small patches on different areas of the body to severe instances with widespread redness throughout almost all regions.

There are different types of eczema, but the most common include atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. The former is linked to family history and genetics while the latter happens when you come into direct contact with an irritating substance such as poison ivy or certain metals in jewelry.

What causes this condition?

Atopic dermatitis is related to a genetic variation in your immune system which causes it to overreact when foreign substances invade the skin, triggering allergic reactions in the form of redness and itchiness. Although there are no cures for this condition yet, you can use natural skincare products to soothe the symptoms.

How to treat eczema with natural skin care?

As said before, while there are no cures for eczema, there are steps you can take to minimize the symptoms:

The first step you should take towards achieving this goal involves cutting out foods that are known for aggravating certain conditions like gluten, dairy, or any other kinds of additives.

After that, make sure you moisturize your skin regularly to reduce dryness and use sunscreen whenever you spend extended periods of time in the sun. If your skin is very dry, you should consider using moisturizing topical creams that contain urea because it helps to retain moisture in the affected areas.

You could also try applying a calming agent like aloe vera gel or oatmeal. The former has been shown to relieve itching and redness while the latter can help soothe swollen skin tissue by acting as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

4. Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris also known as «chicken skin» is a common skin disorder that causes small bumps on your arms, thighs, and other areas of the body. It looks like goose bumps, but it does not have anything to do with hair or feathers.

Keratosis pilaris usually affects people who are in their teens and young adults, but some studies suggest that Keratosis Pilaris may also appear in children as well. For this reason, natural skincare treatment for keratosis pilaris should be tailored towards younger individuals.

What causes this condition?

There are many factors that contribute to the appearance of keratosis pilaris such as dryness, eczema, irritation, and allergies. It is also commonly seen in people who have a condition known as «follicular occlusion tetrad,» which involves skin problems like keratosis pilaris, acne conglobate, hidradenitis suppurativa and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp.

How to treat keratosis pilaris with natural skin care?

One way you can reduce the appearance of this condition on your body is by exfoliating dead cells from affected areas with an abrasive scrub or loofah sponge twice per week while applying mild cleansers only once daily before bedtime. This process should be done gently because too much pressure could aggravate the condition.

Another natural skin care treatment is to use a lotion that contains urea because it encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells and also promotes quick healing. Some brands even contain salicylic acid which can help clear blocked pores for more radiant looking skin. Remember, natural skincare treatments are best because you can avoid harsh chemicals and unnecessary ingredients.

Finally, natural skin care treatment for keratosis pilaris also involves using oil-free moisturizers like vitamin E lotion or natural oils like jojoba. These products should be applied at least twice per day to maintain healthy looking skin.

5. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is the result of excess melanin production, which causes a variation in the skin color in the form of brown patches on your skin. It can be triggered by overexposure to sunlight, stress, or specific medications.

This skin disease usually affects areas that have had too much sun exposure over time such as face and hands, but it can also affect other regions like armpits or groin depending on your genetic background.

What causes this condition?

As said previously, this brown discoloration of the skin is caused by excess melanin production, which happens when your body attempts to protect itself against sun damage. Just like in cases of eczema, there are no cures for this problem yet; however, you can use natural skincare products to reduce the brown spots.

How to treat hyperpigmentation with natural skin care?

First and foremost, make sure you wear an SPF 30+ sunscreen daily because ultraviolet rays from the sun act as triggers for melanin production. You should also avoid tanning beds altogether since they present additional risks like premature aging or even cancer (American Academy of Dermatology). If your diet includes a lot of processed foods, this is another factor that can trigger hyperpigmentation. Make sure you check your diet for ingredients like soy and MSG while also cutting down on sugar, alcohol and caffeine.

You could try using natural skin care products such as aloe vera gel because it contains compounds called glycolic acid which help to brighten the skin’s surface by exfoliating dead cells. You should also consider applying licorice extract or arbutin since both have been shown to be effective against this condition. Another option would be mixing lemon juice with honey and applying it directly to affected areas every day until the discoloration fades away. This will remove excess melanin from the skin while also preventing its formation.

6. Sunburn

This skin condition usually appears in the form of redness and swelling but it can also lead to other symptoms such as painful blisters or peeling. Although it usually heals by itself, it can lead to other skin problems. There are a few simple things you can do to help your skin heal from sunburn.

What causes this condition?

The most common cause of this skin condition is overexposure to ultraviolet rays which comes as a result of spending too much time in the sun (Kids Health). However, there are other factors that contribute as well including skin type and medications taken orally or applied topically. So, if your skin tends to burn easily after exposure to sunlight, it’s best not to go out without applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on all exposed areas. You should also wear protective clothing like sunglasses, hats and long-sleeved shirts while avoiding direct contact with the affected areas for about two days because they are very sensitive.

How to treat sunburn with natural skin care?

If you’re suffering from skin irritation or severe symptoms of sunburn, you can try using aloe vera which is considered to be one of the best natural remedies for this condition. Aloe vera has both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties so it will help speed up your skin’s healing process. You should also eat foods that are high in vitamins A, C and E because they fight free radicals while reducing swelling caused by sunburn.

Another option would be applying apple cider vinegar on affected areas since it contains acetic acid which reduces inflammation. It will also relieve itching and burning sensations when applied topically due to its antimicrobial qualities. You could also prepare a paste with baking soda and water then apply it after every bath until the symptoms dissipate.

7. Rosacea

This is another example of skin disorders that develop because of skin inflammation. They usually appear in the form of redness and swelling but there are other symptoms that often go hand-in-hand with this skin condition such as visible blood vessels, pus filled bumps and pimples. Rosacea affects men more than women and it’s most common among those who live in cold climates or have fair skin.

What causes this condition?

The main cause behind rosacea is believed to be excessive exposure to sunlight which can trigger flare ups especially if combined with high temperatures. It has also been associated with overactive sebaceous glands on your face so excess oil production brings about chronic irritation leading up to skin flushing followed by acne outbreaks on the skin. This is why it’s important to avoid stress, spicy foods and hot beverages because they can also trigger rosacea.

In some cases, if not treated early, blood vessels can dilate and become enlarged resulting in excess blood flow to the skin’s surface which may be associated with flushing of the face. In more severe cases, blood vessel enlargement is responsible for visible blood vessels on the individual’s cheeks that resemble acne breakouts.

How to treat rosacea with natural skin care?

If you suffer of this skin disorder, there are a few things you should avoid doing such as going out during periods of high temperature or humidity because it can trigger flare ups especially if combined with exposure to sunlight. You should also quit smoking since nicotine constricts blood vessels while caffeine increases their size so they will remain red even after your next session at the spa.

Besides avoiding anything that might trigger rosacea, you should also incorporate these foods into your diet: celery juice (relieves blood stagnation), watercress (prevents blood vessel dilation). You can use them as a skin toner or juice them to make a healthy drink.

In addition to all of this, there are other measures you should take such as staying hydrated and avoiding spicy foods. If left untreated, rosacea can lead to blood vessel damage so make sure you see your dermatologist for the best treatment options.

There are also some natural remedies which include: aloe vera gel or a few drops of tea tree oil in your moisturizer. It will prevent blood vessel dilation and relieve inflammation.

Why use natural skin care?

Natural skin care products are safe to use, and they don’t include any harsh chemicals because natural ingredients can provide your skin with the nutrients it needs. They also contain active enzymes, minerals and vitamins that make them effective yet gentle on your sensitive skin.

If you liked this post, make sure to check out my other blogs on natural skin care. I’ve covered a variety of topics including acne treatment and the best way to take care of your skin in warm weather. What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions about skincare or how it relates to your specific type of skin? Let me know in the comments below!

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A parent's guide to tween's natural skin care


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Beatriz Morales

CEO Tweegreens

Read this in Spanish!

Do you have dry, itchy skin? Does your face break out often? These common problems are not just inconvenient; they can also be painful and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help. This article discusses 7 different skin conditions and how to treat them with natural skincare products.

1. Acne

When speaking about common skin disorders, acne is likely to be at the top of everyone’s list. It is a very common problem that affects as many as 50 million Americans every year (American Academy of Dermatology). So, what causes this common condition and how can natural ingredients help?

What causes this condition?

Acne happens when pores are clogged by bacteria or oil, which then becomes trapped within the blocked skin follicles. As sebum builds up under the surface of your skin, bacteria multiplies, and you start seeing whiteheads and blackheads form on your face – these are caused because of the dead skin buildup that have been clogged together with dead bacteria within them.

This happens mainly in teenagers because hormonal changes trigger an increase in sebum production. These hormonal fluctuations are responsible for the excess oil that accumulates within pores, which then causes acne breakouts.

How to treat acne with natural skin care?

Now that you know what causes acne, the next question is how to treat it. There are many options for natural skincare products that can help you clear up your skin once and for all. You have probably heard of tea tree oil before, but there are other ingredients out there as well with proven acne-fighting capabilities.

One great natural acne treatment is witch hazel, which contains tannins that clear away dead skin cells and fight bacteria. Pure aloe vera gel can also serve as an effective moisturizer if your pores are clogged with excess oil.

You should avoid using any harsh chemicals or products on your face to prevent further irritation of the skin. Using high concentrations of alcohol in cleansers may cause dry skin, while ingredients like salicylic acid have been known to irritate certain individuals’ skins even more (Skinacea).

Instead stick to gentle formulas containing plant-based oils such as jojoba seed or argan oil for cleansing purposes. You can use a cotton pad soaked in rosewater after you wash your face to remove remaining dirt and grime.

2. Psoriasis

Some skin conditions are very difficult to clear up, but psoriasis is not one of them. Most cases can be completely cleared with natural skin care products within six months (National Psoriasis Foundation).

What causes this condition?

Psoriasis happens when skin cells reproduce too quickly; they build up on your skin’s outermost layer and cause thick patches covered in silvery scales to form (The Acne Resource Center). The underlying cause for this process is unknown, although genetics do play a role because it tends to run in families. Stress has also been linked as an exacerbating factor that worsens symptoms over time (Skinacea).

How to treat psioriasis with natural skin care?

There are several effective natural ingredients that can help treat psoriasis. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and skin regenerative abilities.

You should also incorporate vitamin D in your diet because it has been shown to enhance the body’s immune system against certain diseases like eczema or acne (Skinacea). To naturally increase your levels of this important nutrient, eat foods rich in vitamin D such as fish or drink milk fortified with nutritional yeast.

Vitamin A is another ingredient that you have probably heard about before when dealing with thickened skin conditions; it acts similarly to retinoic acid but without being harsh on the skin. Make sure you use a natural source of vitamin A like carrots, sweet potatoes or pumpkin because too much can also be bad for your skin (University of Rochester).

You should avoid using any products containing ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate or parabens, which are known to irritate the skin. Instead, you can use aloe vera gel as a moisturizing agent and pure castor.

3. Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes the top layer of your skin to become inflamed and itchy. It can range from mild cases with small patches on different areas of the body to severe instances with widespread redness throughout almost all regions.

There are different types of eczema, but the most common include atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. The former is linked to family history and genetics while the latter happens when you come into direct contact with an irritating substance such as poison ivy or certain metals in jewelry.

What causes this condition?

Atopic dermatitis is related to a genetic variation in your immune system which causes it to overreact when foreign substances invade the skin, triggering allergic reactions in the form of redness and itchiness. Although there are no cures for this condition yet, you can use natural skincare products to soothe the symptoms.

How to treat eczema with natural skin care?

As said before, while there are no cures for eczema, there are steps you can take to minimize the symptoms:

The first step you should take towards achieving this goal involves cutting out foods that are known for aggravating certain conditions like gluten, dairy, or any other kinds of additives.

After that, make sure you moisturize your skin regularly to reduce dryness and use sunscreen whenever you spend extended periods of time in the sun. If your skin is very dry, you should consider using moisturizing topical creams that contain urea because it helps to retain moisture in the affected areas.

You could also try applying a calming agent like aloe vera gel or oatmeal. The former has been shown to relieve itching and redness while the latter can help soothe swollen skin tissue by acting as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

4. Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris also known as «chicken skin» is a common skin disorder that causes small bumps on your arms, thighs, and other areas of the body. It looks like goose bumps, but it does not have anything to do with hair or feathers.

Keratosis pilaris usually affects people who are in their teens and young adults, but some studies suggest that Keratosis Pilaris may also appear in children as well. For this reason, natural skincare treatment for keratosis pilaris should be tailored towards younger individuals.

What causes this condition?

There are many factors that contribute to the appearance of keratosis pilaris such as dryness, eczema, irritation, and allergies. It is also commonly seen in people who have a condition known as «follicular occlusion tetrad,» which involves skin problems like keratosis pilaris, acne conglobate, hidradenitis suppurativa and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp.

How to treat keratosis pilaris with natural skin care?

One way you can reduce the appearance of this condition on your body is by exfoliating dead cells from affected areas with an abrasive scrub or loofah sponge twice per week while applying mild cleansers only once daily before bedtime. This process should be done gently because too much pressure could aggravate the condition.

Another natural skin care treatment is to use a lotion that contains urea because it encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells and also promotes quick healing. Some brands even contain salicylic acid which can help clear blocked pores for more radiant looking skin. Remember, natural skincare treatments are best because you can avoid harsh chemicals and unnecessary ingredients.

Finally, natural skin care treatment for keratosis pilaris also involves using oil-free moisturizers like vitamin E lotion or natural oils like jojoba. These products should be applied at least twice per day to maintain healthy looking skin.

5. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is the result of excess melanin production, which causes a variation in the skin color in the form of brown patches on your skin. It can be triggered by overexposure to sunlight, stress, or specific medications.

This skin disease usually affects areas that have had too much sun exposure over time such as face and hands, but it can also affect other regions like armpits or groin depending on your genetic background.

What causes this condition?

As said previously, this brown discoloration of the skin is caused by excess melanin production, which happens when your body attempts to protect itself against sun damage. Just like in cases of eczema, there are no cures for this problem yet; however, you can use natural skincare products to reduce the brown spots.

How to treat hyperpigmentation with natural skin care?

First and foremost, make sure you wear an SPF 30+ sunscreen daily because ultraviolet rays from the sun act as triggers for melanin production. You should also avoid tanning beds altogether since they present additional risks like premature aging or even cancer (American Academy of Dermatology). If your diet includes a lot of processed foods, this is another factor that can trigger hyperpigmentation. Make sure you check your diet for ingredients like soy and MSG while also cutting down on sugar, alcohol and caffeine.

You could try using natural skin care products such as aloe vera gel because it contains compounds called glycolic acid which help to brighten the skin’s surface by exfoliating dead cells. You should also consider applying licorice extract or arbutin since both have been shown to be effective against this condition. Another option would be mixing lemon juice with honey and applying it directly to affected areas every day until the discoloration fades away. This will remove excess melanin from the skin while also preventing its formation.

6. Sunburn

This skin condition usually appears in the form of redness and swelling but it can also lead to other symptoms such as painful blisters or peeling. Although it usually heals by itself, it can lead to other skin problems. There are a few simple things you can do to help your skin heal from sunburn.

What causes this condition?

The most common cause of this skin condition is overexposure to ultraviolet rays which comes as a result of spending too much time in the sun (Kids Health). However, there are other factors that contribute as well including skin type and medications taken orally or applied topically. So, if your skin tends to burn easily after exposure to sunlight, it’s best not to go out without applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on all exposed areas. You should also wear protective clothing like sunglasses, hats and long-sleeved shirts while avoiding direct contact with the affected areas for about two days because they are very sensitive.

How to treat sunburn with natural skin care?

If you’re suffering from skin irritation or severe symptoms of sunburn, you can try using aloe vera which is considered to be one of the best natural remedies for this condition. Aloe vera has both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties so it will help speed up your skin’s healing process. You should also eat foods that are high in vitamins A, C and E because they fight free radicals while reducing swelling caused by sunburn.

Another option would be applying apple cider vinegar on affected areas since it contains acetic acid which reduces inflammation. It will also relieve itching and burning sensations when applied topically due to its antimicrobial qualities. You could also prepare a paste with baking soda and water then apply it after every bath until the symptoms dissipate.

7. Rosacea

This is another example of skin disorders that develop because of skin inflammation. They usually appear in the form of redness and swelling but there are other symptoms that often go hand-in-hand with this skin condition such as visible blood vessels, pus filled bumps and pimples. Rosacea affects men more than women and it’s most common among those who live in cold climates or have fair skin.

What causes this condition?

The main cause behind rosacea is believed to be excessive exposure to sunlight which can trigger flare ups especially if combined with high temperatures. It has also been associated with overactive sebaceous glands on your face so excess oil production brings about chronic irritation leading up to skin flushing followed by acne outbreaks on the skin. This is why it’s important to avoid stress, spicy foods and hot beverages because they can also trigger rosacea.

In some cases, if not treated early, blood vessels can dilate and become enlarged resulting in excess blood flow to the skin’s surface which may be associated with flushing of the face. In more severe cases, blood vessel enlargement is responsible for visible blood vessels on the individual’s cheeks that resemble acne breakouts.

How to treat rosacea with natural skin care?

If you suffer of this skin disorder, there are a few things you should avoid doing such as going out during periods of high temperature or humidity because it can trigger flare ups especially if combined with exposure to sunlight. You should also quit smoking since nicotine constricts blood vessels while caffeine increases their size so they will remain red even after your next session at the spa.

Besides avoiding anything that might trigger rosacea, you should also incorporate these foods into your diet: celery juice (relieves blood stagnation), watercress (prevents blood vessel dilation). You can use them as a skin toner or juice them to make a healthy drink.

In addition to all of this, there are other measures you should take such as staying hydrated and avoiding spicy foods. If left untreated, rosacea can lead to blood vessel damage so make sure you see your dermatologist for the best treatment options.

There are also some natural remedies which include: aloe vera gel or a few drops of tea tree oil in your moisturizer. It will prevent blood vessel dilation and relieve inflammation.

Why use natural skin care?

Natural skin care products are safe to use, and they don’t include any harsh chemicals because natural ingredients can provide your skin with the nutrients it needs. They also contain active enzymes, minerals and vitamins that make them effective yet gentle on your sensitive skin.

If you liked this post, make sure to check out my other blogs on natural skin care. I’ve covered a variety of topics including acne treatment and the best way to take care of your skin in warm weather. What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions about skincare or how it relates to your specific type of skin? Let me know in the comments below!

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A parent's guide to tween's natural skin care


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Beatriz Morales

CEO Tweegreens

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