Importance of Nutrition in Skin Care | Blog - Tweengreens Skip to main content
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We all know that what we eat can have an impact on our health. For instance, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps us maintain a healthy weight. But did you know that what you eat also has an impact on your skin? That’s right! The best foods for skin are the ones that will help you stay looking like the best version of you!. So, in this blog post we will guide you on how to incorporate foods into your diet that will help you maintain a healthy complexion.

The Impact that a Good Nutrition has on the Skin

Some foods are better for your skin than others. So perhaps you just want to improve the appearance of your complexion or maybe you are struggling with some skin issues. In any case, learning how to select the right food for your skin with nutrients that activates specific skin cells, or avoid compounds that can alter your condition, can support you to keep a healthy skin.

Smiling woman eating a balanced meal

Let’s start by understanding those features of your skin that can be activated by food:

  • Avoid the effect of free radicals
  • Improve collagen production
  • Synthesize vitamins
  • Maintain blood flow
  • Sebum regulation
  • Keep low insulin levels
  • Avoid worsening of skin conditions

Let’s have a deeper look on each:

Avoid the effect of free radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause skin damage. They can be created by our body when it breaks down food, drinks and even medicines or due to environmental factors around us like sun rays which cause uv damage and pollution.

Various Berries

When these unstable molecules, try to stabilize, they pair with healthy skin cells, thus damaging its DNA. This process is known as oxidative stress and can lead to chronic inflammation affecting the skin’s ability for collagen production. Therefore free radicals can cause signs of aging like losing the skin’s firmness, elasticity or youthful appearance or even get to skin cancer.

So, what food can help us avoid the effect of free radicals? In this case we have to choose foods rich in antioxidants . Antioxidants work best when you get them from whole-food sources because they function best in their natural state as a part of a balanced diet instead of taking antioxidant supplements separately.

Some great examples include:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Blueberries or raspberries
  • Pecans
  • Beans
  • Vegetables like broccoli, kale and artichokes

In this Healthline Blog you can read about each of these in detail. Of course, including antioxidant rich foods on your diet is not enough to avoid the uv damage if you constantly are exposed to sun. Remember you should avoid over exposure to sun damage, and help protect your skin using sunscreen daily. Otherwise, you could face dry skin and even skin cancer.

Improve collagen production

When you consume powerful antioxidants you avoid reducing your collagen levels. But, is there a way to boost your collagen production? Of course there are! Some foods that can help you to boost this process are:

  • Fatty fish
  • Chicken
  • Egg whites
Various foods for skin and a sign with collagen writen on it
  • Vitamin c and citrus fruits
  • Leafy greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Herbs high in collagen like chinese knotweed, horsetail, gynostemma, and herbs that help to produce collagen like gotukola, bala, ashwagandha
  • Avocado

In this Medicinet blog you can find more information about collagen boosters which will bring you not just health benefits but skin benefits.

Synthesize vitamins

As we spoke in our blog on vitamins, these are not produced by the body, therefore we need to provide them through vitamin rich foods, supplements or through topical application.

When it comes to the best sources of vitamin, our diet plays an important role. As you can read here, vitamin deficiencies are associated with various dermatological conditions such as pellagra, that occurs when there’s a deficit of Niacin (Vitamin B3), or hyperpigmentation which is associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency. That is why, if you want to have a better skin, make sure you include the following vitamins in your diet:

Various collored candies with vitamins for skin

Vitamin C

Vitamin c is a powerful antioxidant, meaning it help reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals, increasing skin cell renewal.

Despite vitamin c being always associated with citrus fruits, it can also be found in tomatoes, sweet potatoes and normal potatoes. Other vitamin c rich foods include red peppers, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

Vitamin E

Just like vitamin c, vitamin e is a powerful antioxidant, that protects skin from oxidative stress. It also helps support the immune system, the skin cell function and help fight against uv damage to skin.

Vitamin e can be found mostly on vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower seeds oil, or avocado oil. Seeds like sunflower seeds, chia seeds, almonds, peanuts, can also be a high source of vitamin e.

Both vitamin c and e are commonly used as cosmetic ingredients in skin care thanks to their antioxidant properties and extraordinary anti-aging benefits.

Vitamin A

This is one of the most effective vitamins when it comes to skin health. As a cosmetic ingredient vitamin a is widely used in treatments against acne and in anti aging skin care products thanks to its ability to skin cell renewal and its ability to even skin tone.

Foods rich in vitamin are full of antioxidants which supports not just skin health but health in general.

One of the best vitamin a sources is beta carotene. A good way to identify beta carotene rich foods, could be through the color. Yellow, orange and green fruits and vegetables include beta carotene. These can include carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.

Now, to increase intestinal absorption of beta carotene, you should consume it with other animal fats like beef liver, chicken liver or fatty fish like salmon. Indeed, beef liver supplements are commonly used in acne treatments to increase vitamin A ingestion.

Vitamin B

B Vitamins as a group, help activate enzymes which increase cellular metabolism and turnover. In our previous blog, you can find which vitamins fall in this group.

Vitamin B is good for red, irritated and acne-prone skin. It can help improve skin tone and balance natural oils, making these ideal for dry and problematic skin.

Vitamin B is usually found in animal products like beef, dairy, eggs or salmon. It can also be found in green legumes and leafy greens and salmon which also is rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

In general, fruits and green vegetables are high in vitamin foods, and including them in your diet, will provide your body with it needs for a healthy skin, as well as other health benefits.

Maintain blood flow

Since blood is the carrier of oxygen and nutrients, maintaining a healthy blood flow not only helps bring the much-needed nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, but also helps remove toxins.

As you may know, a great way to maintain the circulation of blood is exercise, since it helps improve the function of our heart and blood vessels. But, what you may not know is that there is also food for skin that help improve blood flow. These foods should be part of your diet if you want to have a healthy skin from the inside. The best examples of these are:

Various powdered spices and condiments and
  • Cayenne pepper. Lowers blood pressure and stimulates the release vasodilators which expand blood vessels
  • Pomegranate. Improve oxygenation of muscle tissue
  • Onions. Help arteries and veins widen when blood flow increases
  • Cinnamon. Improves blood vessel dilation
  • Garlic. Increases tissue blood flow and lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels
  • Fatty fish. Due it’s rich in omega 3 fats, which inhibit blood clot formation
  • Turmeric. Widely used by Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to open blood vessels and improve blood circulation
  • Ginger. It helps with circulation and can be helpful in cases of arthritis.
  • Pineapple. It helps improve the function of our vessels and is rich in Vitamin c.

In this Healthline blog you can find other foods that improve blood flow and circulation.

Sebum Regulation

An increase in sebum secretion is considered, among all causes, the major one when talking about the presence of acne. That is why understanding how to regulate sebum production, can be a strategy to treat acne and other skin disorders.

Studies have shown that increasing the intake of Omega 3s and Omega 6 fatty acids have skin health-promoting effects, through their inhibitory activity in pro-inflammatory factors, which support not only acne treatments but inflammatory skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids include seafood such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, oysters and shrimp and vegan sources such as seaweed and algae, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, edamame and soy bean oil.

You can also take omega- fatty acids supplements, like fish oils, to increase your intake.

various foods for skin arranged in such a way that they spell omega 3

Keep low insulin levels

Insulin levels are associated with the increase of sebum production. That is why high-sugar and carbohydrates diets, are related with the worsening of disorders like acne and inflammatory skin conditions.

To keep your insulin levels low, you should prioritize the intake of foods that are below a score of 55 on the glycemic index (GI). These will help to keep your insulin levels low, and therefore, avoid inflammation and over sebum secretion.

A pair of hands holding an insulin level measurement tool

Low glycemic index foods could be

  • Vegetables and proteins
  • Oatmeal and oat bran. These slow down the absorption of sugar into our blood stream, keeping insulin levels low for a long time compared to other high glycemic foods like sugary drinks or white bread
  • Whole fruits such as apples and berries (strawberries, blueberries), which are also rich in antioxidants

In this Harvard post you can find the glycemic index for more than 60 foods which can help you maintain healthy levels of insulin.

You can also reduce your consumption of foods that are high in sugar, like candy and soda, as well as starchy food with high GI score such french fries or white bread, which will help you avoid problems related to sebum production.

What Foods to Eat to Avoid Worsening of Skin Conditions

When talking about the benefits of having a diet healthy for your skin, many of those are about giving your skin enough nutrition so that it can resist damage and look better. However, in this case, eating or avoiding certain food can help you if you already suffer from a skin condition.

There are foods that, when consumed, can worsen the symptoms of some skin conditions. For example, food that have a high concentration of sugar can cause fluid retention under your eyes and may worsen conditions such as acne while, dairy products can cause flare-ups in people with eczema.

In general, maintaining a healthy diet will help you fight some common conditions that affect the skin. Below, we will mention some of the most important skin disorders and how to eat smart to avoid worsening them.

Acne prone skin

Acne is a skin disorder which involves an increase of sebum secretion, an alteration on the hormonal system and a disruption on the immune system. Therefore, with what we eat, we can support or worsen this condition.

  • Sebum Secretion. As we mentioned above, studies have shown that sebaceous glands are stimulated by high levels of insulin which occurs after the intake of high glycemic foods (refined sugars and carbohydrates) . On the other hand, omega-fatty acids in the diet, help reduce sebum production and inflammatory processes associated with acne formation. In turn, caloric restriction has been shown to dramatically decrease sebum secretion rate.
Young woman with some acne on her face
  • Hormonal Disruption. It is believed that there are some foods that can disrupts hormones. Milk for example, contains growth hormones, steroids, estrogens, progesterones and may contain synthetic bovine somatotropin which increases human sensitivity to insulin.
  • Immune System. It is closely linked with what we eat, as our main immune system is in the gut. When we balance our hormones and feed our body with the correct micronutrients, we support our immune system and therefore, our skin health. Stress, on the other hand can disrupt our of the immune system. That is why, acne prone skin should replace coffee with green tea. Coffee, increases cortisol levels, which may cause cell inflammation stimulating our immune response. Instead green tea, can provide us the energy we need for the day without the inflammation triggers which promotes our skin health.

In this Simple Skincare Science blog, you can find a lot of information on how to diet to prevent acne.

Histamine Resistance

Histamine is an amine that occurs in various foods. In a normal person, the intake of histamine does not cause any problems because the «amine oxidases» (enzymes responsible for metabolizing histamine) act quickly enogh to break it down. However, in some people, the activity of the amine oxidases is lower, thus running the risk of histamine poisoning derived from an imbalance between the accumulated histamine and its ability to degrade.

When histamine levels rise, it can cause various symptoms that mimic allergic reactions in different body systems as you can see on the image below:

Mind map detailing the symptoms of hystamine poisoning

How to deal with histamine intolerance?

An excess on histamines can be reduced through a histamine-free diet for a period of one to three months depending on your case. Although there is no one-size-fits-all diet for histamine intolerance, there are some general guidelines that may help:

  • Limit the intake of high-level histamine foods
  • Avoid fermented foods such as wine, cheese, yogurt or soy sauce.
  • Avoid canned food or foods preserved with nitrites.
  • Limit the intake of cured meat and fish to a few times per month.

If you have histamine intolerance it is recommended that you eat only fresh meats and vegetables while avoiding processed ones such as hot dogs, sausages, salami etc

On the other hand, there are foods that despite not containing high levels of histamine by themselves, they can help release histamine through the tissues. In the chart below, taken from Oxford Academic, you can find these type of foods:

Plant -Derived Animal - Derived Other
Citrus Fruit Fish Additives
Papaya Crustaceans Liquorice
Strawberries Pork Spices
Pineapple Egg White

Inflamatory Diseases

For people with inflammatory diseases like eczema or psoriasis, what you eat can help your gut microbiome to improve as it has been shown that omega-rich diets have a beneficial effect on many diseases. In turn, omega fatty acids are vital for the proper function of cell membranes and normal immune system development.

Healthier foods

Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is very important if you want for instance, by consuming omega 3 fatty acids, you can reduce the symptoms of some conditions like acne and rosacea since they have anti-inflammatory properties. Also, by eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you can help your skin resist sun damage that can cause hyperpigmentation or sunburn.

And that is the end of this post! If you’ve never heard of the importance that nutrition has on your skin, then I hope this post was an eye-opening one for you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to put them on the comments bellow. I also encourage you to explore my blogs about natural skin care!

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Beatriz Morales

CEO Tweegreens

Read this in Spanish!

We all know that what we eat can have an impact on our health. For instance, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps us maintain a healthy weight. But did you know that what you eat also has an impact on your skin? That’s right! The best foods for skin are the ones that will help you stay looking like the best version of you!. So, in this blog post we will guide you on how to incorporate foods into your diet that will help you maintain a healthy complexion.

The Impact that a Good Nutrition has on the Skin

Some foods are better for your skin than others. So perhaps you just want to improve the appearance of your complexion or maybe you are struggling with some skin issues. In any case, learning how to select the right food for your skin with nutrients that activates specific skin cells, or avoid compounds that can alter your condition, can support you to keep a healthy skin.

Smiling woman eating a balanced meal

Let’s start by understanding those features of your skin that can be activated by food:

  • Avoid the effect of free radicals
  • Improve collagen production
  • Synthesize vitamins
  • Maintain blood flow
  • Sebum regulation
  • Keep low insulin levels
  • Avoid worsening of skin conditions

Let’s have a deeper look on each:

Avoid the effect of free radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause skin damage. They can be created by our body when it breaks down food, drinks and even medicines or due to environmental factors around us like sun rays which cause uv damage and pollution.

Various Berries

When these unstable molecules, try to stabilize, they pair with healthy skin cells, thus damaging its DNA. This process is known as oxidative stress and can lead to chronic inflammation affecting the skin’s ability for collagen production. Therefore free radicals can cause signs of aging like losing the skin’s firmness, elasticity or youthful appearance or even get to skin cancer.

So, what food can help us avoid the effect of free radicals? In this case we have to choose foods rich in antioxidants . Antioxidants work best when you get them from whole-food sources because they function best in their natural state as a part of a balanced diet instead of taking antioxidant supplements separately.

Some great examples include:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Blueberries or raspberries
  • Pecans
  • Beans
  • Vegetables like broccoli, kale and artichokes

In this Healthline Blog you can read about each of these in detail. Of course, including antioxidant rich foods on your diet is not enough to avoid the uv damage if you constantly are exposed to sun. Remember you should avoid over exposure to sun damage, and help protect your skin using sunscreen daily. Otherwise, you could face dry skin and even skin cancer.

Improve collagen production

When you consume powerful antioxidants you avoid reducing your collagen levels. But, is there a way to boost your collagen production? Of course there are! Some foods that can help you to boost this process are:

  • Fatty fish
  • Chicken
  • Egg whites
Various foods for skin and a sign with collagen writen on it
  • Vitamin c and citrus fruits
  • Leafy greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Herbs high in collagen like chinese knotweed, horsetail, gynostemma, and herbs that help to produce collagen like gotukola, bala, ashwagandha
  • Avocado

In this Medicinet blog you can find more information about collagen boosters which will bring you not just health benefits but skin benefits.

Synthesize vitamins

As we spoke in our blog on vitamins, these are not produced by the body, therefore we need to provide them through vitamin rich foods, supplements or through topical application.

When it comes to the best sources of vitamin, our diet plays an important role. As you can read here, vitamin deficiencies are associated with various dermatological conditions such as pellagra, that occurs when there’s a deficit of Niacin (Vitamin B3), or hyperpigmentation which is associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency. That is why, if you want to have a better skin, make sure you include the following vitamins in your diet:

Various collored candies with vitamins for skin

Vitamin C

Vitamin c is a powerful antioxidant, meaning it help reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals, increasing skin cell renewal.

Despite vitamin c being always associated with citrus fruits, it can also be found in tomatoes, sweet potatoes and normal potatoes. Other vitamin c rich foods include red peppers, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

Vitamin E

Just like vitamin c, vitamin e is a powerful antioxidant, that protects skin from oxidative stress. It also helps support the immune system, the skin cell function and help fight against uv damage to skin.

Vitamin e can be found mostly on vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower seeds oil, or avocado oil. Seeds like sunflower seeds, chia seeds, almonds, peanuts, can also be a high source of vitamin e.

Both vitamin c and e are commonly used as cosmetic ingredients in skin care thanks to their antioxidant properties and extraordinary anti-aging benefits.

Vitamin A

This is one of the most effective vitamins when it comes to skin health. As a cosmetic ingredient vitamin a is widely used in treatments against acne and in anti aging skin care products thanks to its ability to skin cell renewal and its ability to even skin tone.

Foods rich in vitamin are full of antioxidants which supports not just skin health but health in general.

One of the best vitamin a sources is beta carotene. A good way to identify beta carotene rich foods, could be through the color. Yellow, orange and green fruits and vegetables include beta carotene. These can include carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.

Now, to increase intestinal absorption of beta carotene, you should consume it with other animal fats like beef liver, chicken liver or fatty fish like salmon. Indeed, beef liver supplements are commonly used in acne treatments to increase vitamin A ingestion.

Vitamin B

B Vitamins as a group, help activate enzymes which increase cellular metabolism and turnover. In our previous blog, you can find which vitamins fall in this group.

Vitamin B is good for red, irritated and acne-prone skin. It can help improve skin tone and balance natural oils, making these ideal for dry and problematic skin.

Vitamin B is usually found in animal products like beef, dairy, eggs or salmon. It can also be found in green legumes and leafy greens and salmon which also is rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

In general, fruits and green vegetables are high in vitamin foods, and including them in your diet, will provide your body with it needs for a healthy skin, as well as other health benefits.

Maintain blood flow

Since blood is the carrier of oxygen and nutrients, maintaining a healthy blood flow not only helps bring the much-needed nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, but also helps remove toxins.

As you may know, a great way to maintain the circulation of blood is exercise, since it helps improve the function of our heart and blood vessels. But, what you may not know is that there is also food for skin that help improve blood flow. These foods should be part of your diet if you want to have a healthy skin from the inside. The best examples of these are:

Various powdered spices and condiments and
  • Cayenne pepper. Lowers blood pressure and stimulates the release vasodilators which expand blood vessels
  • Pomegranate. Improve oxygenation of muscle tissue
  • Onions. Help arteries and veins widen when blood flow increases
  • Cinnamon. Improves blood vessel dilation
  • Garlic. Increases tissue blood flow and lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels
  • Fatty fish. Due it’s rich in omega 3 fats, which inhibit blood clot formation
  • Turmeric. Widely used by Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to open blood vessels and improve blood circulation
  • Ginger. It helps with circulation and can be helpful in cases of arthritis.
  • Pineapple. It helps improve the function of our vessels and is rich in Vitamin c.

In this Healthline blog you can find other foods that improve blood flow and circulation.

Sebum Regulation

An increase in sebum secretion is considered, among all causes, the major one when talking about the presence of acne. That is why understanding how to regulate sebum production, can be a strategy to treat acne and other skin disorders.

Studies have shown that increasing the intake of Omega 3s and Omega 6 fatty acids have skin health-promoting effects, through their inhibitory activity in pro-inflammatory factors, which support not only acne treatments but inflammatory skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids include seafood such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, oysters and shrimp and vegan sources such as seaweed and algae, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, edamame and soy bean oil.

You can also take omega- fatty acids supplements, like fish oils, to increase your intake.

various foods for skin arranged in such a way that they spell omega 3

Keep low insulin levels

Insulin levels are associated with the increase of sebum production. That is why high-sugar and carbohydrates diets, are related with the worsening of disorders like acne and inflammatory skin conditions.

To keep your insulin levels low, you should prioritize the intake of foods that are below a score of 55 on the glycemic index (GI). These will help to keep your insulin levels low, and therefore, avoid inflammation and over sebum secretion.

A pair of hands holding an insulin level measurement tool

Low glycemic index foods could be

  • Vegetables and proteins
  • Oatmeal and oat bran. These slow down the absorption of sugar into our blood stream, keeping insulin levels low for a long time compared to other high glycemic foods like sugary drinks or white bread
  • Whole fruits such as apples and berries (strawberries, blueberries), which are also rich in antioxidants

In this Harvard post you can find the glycemic index for more than 60 foods which can help you maintain healthy levels of insulin.

You can also reduce your consumption of foods that are high in sugar, like candy and soda, as well as starchy food with high GI score such french fries or white bread, which will help you avoid problems related to sebum production.

What Foods to Eat to Avoid Worsening of Skin Conditions

When talking about the benefits of having a diet healthy for your skin, many of those are about giving your skin enough nutrition so that it can resist damage and look better. However, in this case, eating or avoiding certain food can help you if you already suffer from a skin condition.

There are foods that, when consumed, can worsen the symptoms of some skin conditions. For example, food that have a high concentration of sugar can cause fluid retention under your eyes and may worsen conditions such as acne while, dairy products can cause flare-ups in people with eczema.

In general, maintaining a healthy diet will help you fight some common conditions that affect the skin. Below, we will mention some of the most important skin disorders and how to eat smart to avoid worsening them.

Acne prone skin

Acne is a skin disorder which involves an increase of sebum secretion, an alteration on the hormonal system and a disruption on the immune system. Therefore, with what we eat, we can support or worsen this condition.

  • Sebum Secretion. As we mentioned above, studies have shown that sebaceous glands are stimulated by high levels of insulin which occurs after the intake of high glycemic foods (refined sugars and carbohydrates) . On the other hand, omega-fatty acids in the diet, help reduce sebum production and inflammatory processes associated with acne formation. In turn, caloric restriction has been shown to dramatically decrease sebum secretion rate.
Young woman with some acne on her face
  • Hormonal Disruption. It is believed that there are some foods that can disrupts hormones. Milk for example, contains growth hormones, steroids, estrogens, progesterones and may contain synthetic bovine somatotropin which increases human sensitivity to insulin.
  • Immune System. It is closely linked with what we eat, as our main immune system is in the gut. When we balance our hormones and feed our body with the correct micronutrients, we support our immune system and therefore, our skin health. Stress, on the other hand can disrupt our of the immune system. That is why, acne prone skin should replace coffee with green tea. Coffee, increases cortisol levels, which may cause cell inflammation stimulating our immune response. Instead green tea, can provide us the energy we need for the day without the inflammation triggers which promotes our skin health.

In this Simple Skincare Science blog, you can find a lot of information on how to diet to prevent acne.

Histamine Resistance

Histamine is an amine that occurs in various foods. In a normal person, the intake of histamine does not cause any problems because the «amine oxidases» (enzymes responsible for metabolizing histamine) act quickly enogh to break it down. However, in some people, the activity of the amine oxidases is lower, thus running the risk of histamine poisoning derived from an imbalance between the accumulated histamine and its ability to degrade.

When histamine levels rise, it can cause various symptoms that mimic allergic reactions in different body systems as you can see on the image below:

Mind map detailing the symptoms of hystamine poisoning

How to deal with histamine intolerance?

An excess on histamines can be reduced through a histamine-free diet for a period of one to three months depending on your case. Although there is no one-size-fits-all diet for histamine intolerance, there are some general guidelines that may help:

  • Limit the intake of high-level histamine foods
  • Avoid fermented foods such as wine, cheese, yogurt or soy sauce.
  • Avoid canned food or foods preserved with nitrites.
  • Limit the intake of cured meat and fish to a few times per month.

If you have histamine intolerance it is recommended that you eat only fresh meats and vegetables while avoiding processed ones such as hot dogs, sausages, salami etc

On the other hand, there are foods that despite not containing high levels of histamine by themselves, they can help release histamine through the tissues. In the chart below, taken from Oxford Academic, you can find these type of foods:

Plant -Derived Animal - Derived Other
Citrus Fruit Fish Additives
Papaya Crustaceans Liquorice
Strawberries Pork Spices
Pineapple Egg White

Inflamatory Diseases

For people with inflammatory diseases like eczema or psoriasis, what you eat can help your gut microbiome to improve as it has been shown that omega-rich diets have a beneficial effect on many diseases. In turn, omega fatty acids are vital for the proper function of cell membranes and normal immune system development.

Healthier foods

Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is very important if you want for instance, by consuming omega 3 fatty acids, you can reduce the symptoms of some conditions like acne and rosacea since they have anti-inflammatory properties. Also, by eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you can help your skin resist sun damage that can cause hyperpigmentation or sunburn.

And that is the end of this post! If you’ve never heard of the importance that nutrition has on your skin, then I hope this post was an eye-opening one for you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to put them on the comments bellow. I also encourage you to explore my blogs about natural skin care!

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A parent's guide to tween's natural skin care


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About Me

Beatriz Morales

CEO Tweegreens

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